Wednesday, January 29, 2014

DIY Glass Cleaner

Happy Wednesday!

I am SO sorry I haven't posted in over a week!! I am going to make up for it this week though, I promise!

I stopped using Windex or Pledge Multi Surface when I ran out, which was a just a few months ago actually! As much as I hate the idea of chemical cleaners I was trying to ease into making my own everything so once I used up a store-purchased product, I found an alternative. I highly recommend doing as well, it makes going non-toxic easier and less overwhelming. When it does come time for me to find an alternative I want the most effective recipe, with the least amount of ingredients (Duh!).  I stumbled upon this recipe and was able to even eliminated an ingredient.

To make your own glass cleaner you are going to need the below ingredients:

  • 1 Tbsp. White Vinegar
  • 1 Cup Rubbing Alcohol
  • 1 Cup Water
  • Measuring Cup/Spoons
  • Funnel
  • Spray Bottle
  • Bowl to Mix in
As with most of my recipes, it's as simple as mixing all the ingredients together and putting your new cleaner in a spray bottle of your choice! Then you are ready to clean windows, mirrors and any other glass surface that needs it!
* the ingredient I omitted was lemon essential oil, simply because I did not have any! I would recommend including it if you have some on hand, the alcohol scent is very strong.
Use this cleaner just like any commercial window/glass cleaner. Simply spray on and wipe away. I would recommend a Microfiber Glass Cleaning Cloth. 

Until Next Time!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Cleaning a Top Loading Washing Machine

Happy Friday!!

Okay so, I have a confession... a few months ago I had no clue people washed their washing machine. When I thought about it, of course it made sense but it is not something that was on my Saturday-Morning chore list when I was a kid! Well after learning this little cleaning tid bit, I was instantly intrigued. I began looking it up on Pinterest (Duh!) and was very upset that most posts used bleach, something I have not aloud in my cleaning routine in awhile! I decided to omit the bleach and try cleaning the machine with just white vinegar.

All you will need is:

  • 4 1/2 cups White Vinegar (or however much you prefer)
  • Measuring Cup
  • Rags (to clean all those little crevices under the washing machine lid)
  • Scrub Brush

Just to prove to you that a washing machine is FILTHY here is mine before I cleaned it..... this is a little embarrassing so no judging, please!

To start cleaning, start a cycle on warm/cold, and let the machine fill. Once it is full, add the vinegar. I added 4 1/2 cups.
Then you can lightly scrub the inside of your washing machine. I also used extra vinegar to wash the seal, the 'fabric softener' compartment, and just about everywhere else I could find dirt. After I lightly scrubbed the inside of my washing machine little 'things' began floating to the top!!! GROSS!
.... sadly there was more....
Now let the machine just sit full of water for an hour! DO NOT LET THE CYCLE START!
After a full hour, go start the cycle. Once the cycle is done, all you have left to do is look at your sparkling, clean washing machine! :)
 Just to prove my point! Here is the before and after:


Thanks for reading!! :)

Monday, January 13, 2014

Nontoxic All Purpose Cleaner

Hello :)

I would like to introduce you to your new favorite, must-have cleaner! Best of all, this cleaner can be made in less than 5 minutes, with only three ingredients! So, once again you might be asking yourself "Why would I want to make my own all purpose cleaner?"

Well, we have already went over the fact that our store bought cleaners and personal care products are made with multiple hard to pronounce chemicals. We also know most cleaners have instructions for what to do if you ingest the cleaner, get it in your eyes or whatever else may happen. These instructions usual include immediate rinse and calling poison control or seeking medical attention! Ummmmm... NO thank you!! I would rather not wash every surface in my house with something that could poison me, my family or my visitors. Also, if the store bought cleaner is that dangerous what happens when children and pets crawl or walk on the cleaned surfaces and put their hands/paws in their mouth??

This recipe is a great place to start transitioning your cleaners because it can be used everywhere. Literally, everywhere... Brett spilt something on the carpet while I was working a few months ago, his immediate response was to use the "All Purpose Cleaner" and to my surprise it even cleaned up that mess! (Not saying this is a carpet cleaner though!) I currently use mine to clean the kitchen counters, stove top, bathroom counter, toilet seat, laundry room and anywhere else I find a mess!

Ingredients & Supplies:

I now use a smaller spray bottle so I recently split the recipe in half. Feel free to make whatever size batch you want.

Mix all the ingredients together in your bowl. Using the funnel put all the cleaner in your spray bottle.

.....and then when you make too much for your new, cute spray bottle, go find another spray bottle for the extras! ;)

You are now ready to safely clean up ANY mess! :)


Just spray the mess, let the solution sit for a few seconds and wipe away!
Thanks Again!
Until Next Time,
Brooke :)

Friday, January 10, 2014

Where it all began! "The No Poo Method"

Hello Again!

To start out I want to share with you why and how I became interested in what chemicals were in my cleaning, beauty and personal care products. IT WAS BY TOTAL ACCIDENT!  I was talking with some friends, one of which is a cosmetologist, who told me about a method of cleansing your hair called "The No Poo Method." At first I was like "WHAT?! No poo???" I couldn't imagine not using shampoo to clean my hair! It turns out that this is a method of cleansing your hair without the suds. Again, my reaction "WHAT?! I love the suds from shampoo... and that amazing scent!" However, I was instantly intrigued.

I began reading blogs, researching, and watching YouTube videos on The No Poo Method. I found that it is extremely easy and cost effective to cleanse your hair via No Poo. All you need is:

·         Two Spray Bottles

·         Baking Soda

·         Apple Cider Vinegar (I have not been using organic ACV) 

·         A Funnel

·         Measuring Spoons/Cups


To make your 'Shampoo' mix about 1 Tbsp. Baking Soda to 1 cup of water in your spray bottle and mix it up! (NOTE: This is NOT an exact science, use less baking soda if you prefer or use more if you feel you need it.)

To make your 'Conditioner' you can simply mix the Apple Cider Vinegar and water, 1 cup to 1 cup, in your spray bottle. (NOTE: Again, not an exact science, dilute it down or use more vinegar if you would like) And because I know what you are thinking... No, your hair will not smell like vinegar, I promise.

In the shower, wet down your hair as you would any other day and spray the Baking Soda/Water mixture all over your head. I personally focus on my scalp. Massage the mixture into your hair, remember you are not going to get suds. After a few minutes, rinse out your hair completely. Then spray on the Apple Cider Vinegar/Water mixture on the same way. At this point I pin my hair up with a clip to let the 'Conditioner" soak in. Let this sit while you shave or wash your body. After a few minutes, rinse it all out!

Okay, so now that you know what 'No Poo' is and how to make it on your own, you probably want to know WHY you would use this method. To start out, take a look at the ingredient list on your current shampoo and conditioner bottles. Chances are you are looking at a long list of hard to pronounce chemicals that are no good for your hair or your health! Ingredients like Sodium Lauryl Sulfate/ Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Chloride, Synthetic Glycols, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Polysorbates, Synthetic Fragrances and MUCH more. Most of these chemicals are very dangerous and may have a magnitude of negative effects on your health. The FDA knows these chemicals to have these effects but claim it is safe because the chemicals are used in small amounts. I don't know about you, but my guess it no one uses a product once in their lifetime. Therefore our bodies build up toxic levels of these chemicals which puts you, the consumer, at a health risk.

Commercial shampoo strips all the oils (natural and synthetic) out of your hair, then the conditioner replaces the oils with synthetic conditioners. This is why your hair currently gets greasy or oily after a day or so. The oil glands on your scalp essentially get "confused" when all the oil is removed, they go into overdrive to moisturize your hair when you JUST put synthetic oils and toxins on it! This being said, when you start "No Poo" you may go through a transition period where your hair gets oily or greasy while your scalp adjusts. Depending on your hair, this period may barely be noticeable or last a few months! :( STAY DETERMINED AND STICK WITH IT. I promise it's worth it!!! I have used "No Poo" for over a year now and I am very happy with the result! I have had no issues and barely experienced a transition period. Although, if you are not comfortable with using baking soda shampoo or it irritates your scalp, do not fear… I have found another recipe and plan on trying and sharing it! 

**This is just a sliver of the chemicals used, on a later post I will illustrate some of the negative effects of common chemicals ingredients. I strongly encourage you to do a little research yourself. The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics has great lists of the chemicals to avoid if you want to check it out until I can post about it.

Sorry that was so long! I have so much to share with you, cannot wait until my next post.

-Brooke :)

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Well Hello :)

Welcome everyone and thank you for visiting my blog! My name is Brooke and I am from Minnesota. I am currently a senior nursing student and have a profound love for finding, making and using truly all natural, nontoxic products in my home and wherever else I can. I hope to share ideas with and teach as many people as I can reach!

Just so you can get to know me a little bit better, here are some details of my life! When I am not researching ingredients and making my own products, I love spending time outside. I live on a farm with my amazing boyfriend of five years, Brett, and our spunky dog, Jackson (sometimes referred to as my child!). I enjoy spending as much time outside as possible, preferably while it isn't -30 or colder! :)  While Brett is farming or working, I am typically working myself, researching, gardening, finding one of my random projects or spending time with some of the amazing friends and family that I have been blessed with!!
Here is Brett and I and below is our only 'child' Jackson! (You can see why I would refer to him as my child... hint, hint... VERY SPOILED!)

Well, thank you so much for viewing my blog! I am fairly new at this blogging stuff but I hope to share a recipe or project with you VERY soon!
P.S. go check out my very good friend Kate's Blog, she is the lovely person that is helping me and teaching me!
Thanks Again! :)