Thursday, January 9, 2014

Well Hello :)

Welcome everyone and thank you for visiting my blog! My name is Brooke and I am from Minnesota. I am currently a senior nursing student and have a profound love for finding, making and using truly all natural, nontoxic products in my home and wherever else I can. I hope to share ideas with and teach as many people as I can reach!

Just so you can get to know me a little bit better, here are some details of my life! When I am not researching ingredients and making my own products, I love spending time outside. I live on a farm with my amazing boyfriend of five years, Brett, and our spunky dog, Jackson (sometimes referred to as my child!). I enjoy spending as much time outside as possible, preferably while it isn't -30 or colder! :)  While Brett is farming or working, I am typically working myself, researching, gardening, finding one of my random projects or spending time with some of the amazing friends and family that I have been blessed with!!
Here is Brett and I and below is our only 'child' Jackson! (You can see why I would refer to him as my child... hint, hint... VERY SPOILED!)

Well, thank you so much for viewing my blog! I am fairly new at this blogging stuff but I hope to share a recipe or project with you VERY soon!
P.S. go check out my very good friend Kate's Blog, she is the lovely person that is helping me and teaching me!
Thanks Again! :)


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